im alone in the corner of the ERT room
i dont know what she teaching about...
so im just doing my own things...
yenling skip claz...and i tot qianwen also...
but now i just know she forgot got lesson... the claz end earlier at 12pm...
at that moment, im thinking where i have to go to take my lunch and with who??
8 of the guys discuss where to go while im talking to Sean...
then Bryan 'invite/ask' me to join them...haha...
im the only gal ==" but better than im alone...
so...2 of the guys drive...Raymond and JuShiu.
Jesse and JuShiu just keep make jokes…funny…
after go Padungan took lunch, we went HockLee race carz :D
Im bad gal?! ohno…u guys kidnap me lar… :/ hehe
we late for our g.maths claz for 15mins…
anyway, thanks~ :)
*more innovative photos uploaded to facebook! :D
*have a lots of fun yesterday~^^
(jesse was the camera man xD)